
Wealth & Asset Management

Oliver Wyman’s team of wealth and asset management specialists works with leading private banks, asset managers, and asset owners. The majority of our work covers the areas of corporate strategy, risk & regulation, distribution, investment capabilities and profitability management. An ever-growing share of our work is at the intersection to our Digital, Technology, Analytics (DTA) team, helping clients to build their business models for the future.

Corporate Strategy

We help our clients adopt a strategy that positions them for success in a rapidly moving market. We identify business areas with growth potential, define investment or disinvestment strategies, provide support during merger-and-acquisition activities, lead due-diligence processes, and assist with post-merger integrations.

Customers & Distribution

We guide our clients in creating sales strategy, setting up an effective distribution organization, and designing market offerings tailored to specific customer groups. Our global team of local and international experts not only provides insights into markets, but also helps define appropriate market entry strategies, and execute international expansion plans.

Product Strategy

We support our clients in developing and adjusting product strategies for both traditional and alternative investments. This includes reviewing and optimizing product portfolios, developing innovative new products, and quickly bringing products to market.

Value Chain & Profitability 

We help our clients increase their profitability and efficiency by analyzing the various dimensions of their organizational structure and activities along the value chain. Our proprietary cost and talent data bases allow us to provide our clients with customized benchmarks helping them make the right business decisions.

Risk Management & Regulation 

Working closely with our Finance & Risk Management Practice we support our clients on a broad array of risk-, compliance- and regulated related considerations. We advise our clients in defining their risk appetite, developing processes, and policies and establishing the required infrastructure.

Digital, Technology, Analytics

We support our clients in reviewing their technology setup and outsourcing solutions. We develop client-ready tools leveraging data analytics, making investment professionals and RMs more effective in their roles.

Wealth & Asset Management Insights