Cost Transformation


Overcome crisis situations, rapidly deteriorating financial performance, or significant operational changes to stabilize, turnaround, and restructure.

Our Solution

We address cost, cash flow, and top-line challenges by combining short-term actions with strategic reorientation and measures for sustained cost reduction. 

Example Deployments: Holistic profit improvement for underperforming businesses and restructuring concepts, including Independent Business Reviews (IBRs) to secure support from lenders, turnaround programs to master crises triggered by industry downturns or disruptions, company mergers and acquisitions to realize scale effects and synergies, carve-out of non-core activities to reduce capital employed and improve cost efficiency.

Your Impact


Stabilize your operations, ensure survival, achieve financial recovery, or sustainably realize the full cost and cash flow benefits of your carve-outs or acquisitions.  

Restructure With Confidence