What We Do

Trillions of dollars in investment will be required to transition the global economy to net-zero emissions and avert a climate catastrophe. Breakthrough decarbonization solutions are required for both energy transition and industrial decarbonization.

We help companies with the creation of new climate finance products, alignment of investment and product portfolios with the transition, and access to the much-needed financing for making the transition.

GFANZ Secretariat
As the knowledge partner to the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) Secretariat, we supported the publication of five major reports that help financial institutions translate their net-zero pledges into actionable, near-term, and science-based transition plans.
World Economic Forum
We are collaborating with the World Economic Forum on the Financing the Transition to a Net-Zero Future (FTT) initiative, a multi stakeholder strategy to accelerate financing towards innovative climate solutions for the key hard-to-abate sectors.
First Movers Coalition (FMC) 
Oliver Wyman is supporting the FMC Finance Pillar. The FMC is a global initiative harnessing the purchasing power of companies to decarbonize seven hard-to-abate industrial sectors that currently account for 30% of global emissions.

What We Think

Briefing Note on GFANZ November 2022 publications

We highlight several key elements of note across the pre-COP27 GFANZ publications.

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China’s Climate Challenge

We worked with the World Economic Forum on a China deep-dive to discuss the country's challenges and strategies to deliver on the net zero commitment.

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Towards A Global Baseline For Net-zero Transition Planning

Our briefing note detailing the key messages from the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero publications released in June 2022.

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Closing The Investment Gap

Key perspectives from financial institutions on how policy actions can help to scale private finance investment for critical climate solutions.

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Financing The Transition To A Net-Zero Future

Approximately $50 trillion in incremental investments is required by 2050 to transition the global economy to net-zero emissions.

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