What We Do

Medicare Advantage market is growing rapidly with a wide variety of products and benefit choices available to members, who are becoming more discerning in benefit evaluations and product selection. In this context, it is imperative to understand the perceived value and relative importance of each benefit as plans develop the 2023 bid.

Share of Medicare Advantage enrollees in plans with extra benefits, 2020
Before Covid-19
After Covid-19

Dental benefit

Fitness benefit

Hearing aids

Eye exams and glassess

Since 2019, there is an increasing proliferation of extra benefits that have questionable impact on demand. Medicare Advantage organizations need to know when to dial-up investment in benefits, experiences and positioning in order to drive profitable demand and when to dial-down investment to reduce costs without adversely impacting demand.


These are some of the features you can apply using Conjoin. For a comprehensive list, please contact a member of our team.

The specific combination of benefits, experiences, and supporting elements that together optimize demand for your brand and market
The pricing for the offer (for non-zero premium segments)
The profile of the audience that resonates most with your brand’s optimal offering (across channels, behaviors, demos, and psychographics)
The brand and product positioning to ensure recognition and appreciation of your differentiated value
The expected demand lift and implications for member acquisitions, revenue, and partner negotiations
Who we are

If you have a precise understanding of the revenue and costs for each of your benefits, and are uncertain about how to prioritize investments or which benefits members will prefer, get in touch.


Who We Are