Mussadiq Akram

Principal - Energy
Muss’ ability to combine his international background and passion for achieving impactful solutions makes him a dynamic member of the Oliver Wyman energy team.
I grew up in an international community and studied engineering as well as international relations, a combination that I feel is critical to working with an industry that is both global and technical.

Although he has a degree in engineering, he attributes his expertise to the time he has spent generating solutions in the energy sector. His ability to navigate challenges in international relations surpasses expectations and leads the industry forward. 

Muss is highly regarded for his passion, ability to deliver, and a belief in a vision that goes beyond ourselves. He is known for helping energy companies solve their toughest challenges, which recently has focused on decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. While many view decarbonization as a challenge, Muss believes it is an opportunity. It is with the belief that economic growth can be achieved without any negative impact to our planet with which Muss plans to help energy clients navigate the changing landscape in the coming years.

For my personal values, a moment that always matters is when leaders instill trust in me, and I understand the importance of delivering on that trust.

Muss has the ambition of an explorer, hoping to travel across many more countries in his lifetime. He has a goal of visiting all the US National parks, and even reaching additional parks globally, in areas that offer more “untouched” places in nature. Above all, Muss prioritizes his family, and time spent with them.


BA/BS  in International Relations and Chemical Engineering from Syracuse University and an MEng, Chemical Engineering - Energy Economics and Engineering from Cornell

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Houston, Texas